Safeguarding Data: Cybersecurity in Education and Government Sectors

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the measures and practices designed to safeguard networks and devices from external threats. Companies usually hire cybersecurity experts to protect sensitive information, ensure employee productivity, and build customer trust in their products and services.

What is a Cyberattack?

Cyberattack is an intentional and harmful attempt by an individual or group to infiltrate another person’s or organization’s information system. The attacker typically aims to gain some advantage by disrupting the victim’s network.

Types of Cyberattacks

·       Malware

o   Victims are hit with a worm or virus that renders their devices useless.

·       Phishing

o   Hackers send a seemingly legitimate-looking email or website link for users to access to get personal information.

·       Ransomware

o   A malicious software that locks or encrypts your files, demanding a ransom for their release.

·       Denial of Service (DOS)

o   Hackers will consume all server’s resources, so there’s nothing for legitimate users to access.

·       Man in the Middle

o   Hackers put himself between a victim’s machine and a router to get data packets.

·       Cryptojacking

o   Hackers secretly use someone else’s computer or device to mine cryptocurrency.

·       SQL injection

o   Structured Query Language (SQL) injection happens when an attacker inserts malicious code into a server that uses SQL and causes the server to disclose information it normally keeps secure.

·       Exploits

Techniques or code that take advantage of
vulnerabilities or flaws in software, hardware, or systems to gain unauthorized
access or cause harm.

Why is Cybersecurity Important in Education

Cybersecurity is important in education because it protects the sensitive data of students, teachers, and administrators from cyberattacks. Schools and universities store vast amounts of personal data, including academic records, financial data, and health information. A breach in cybersecurity can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and damage to an institution’s reputation.

Today, millions of students are using technology to for hybrid, remote, or in-person learning, making it important to ensure the security of their devices for both their educational experience and the effectiveness of teachers’ work.

Common Cyber Incidents

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational sector experienced a significant increase in cyberattacks as the use of connected devices for school purposes became more widespread. Many schools faced numerous security challenges, including ransomware attacks, data breaches, and phishing scams.

Note: “Other” includes malware, meeting invasions, and website and social media defacement.

These additional statistics only brush the surface on why cybersecurity is so important in education.


  • One in three education devices contains sensitive data.
  • In a study of 5,400 IT decision-makers across 30 countries, education sectors are the most likely to admit security weaknesses.
  • 44% of IT managers in the education sector experienced a ransomware attack. This is the highest level of attack compared to a variety of other industries such as healthcare, IT, and local government.
  • 87% of educational establishments have experienced at least one attack.
  • Among all industries, the education sector is one of the least secure, and schools are the second most lucrative target for ransomware.

How to Increase Safety

IT professionals in education have several strategies to safeguard students from cyberattacks. For younger students, maintaining strong security practices is essential for preventing cyberattacks. However, the ability to recognize scams offers only limited protection, making it important for IT staff to consider using devices with built-in hardware security features or implementing a Device as a Service (DaaS) management system.

What is Cybersecurity Governance

Cybersecurity for governance refers to the strategies, policies, and practices implemented by government organizations to protect their information systems, data, and infrastructure from cyberattacks. It involves ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of government data and services, which is important for maintaining public trust, national security, and efficient governance. 

Important Aspects of Cybersecurity Governance

Strong cybersecurity governance offers many advantages. It defends organizations from cyberattacks that could interrupt operations and damage their reputations, safeguards against significant financial losses, and promotes a culture of cybersecurity awareness among staff. Despite these benefits, many organizations overlook important aspects of cybersecurity governance.

·       Developing a clear and consistent cybersecurity strategy that aligns with the business objectives and risk tolerance.

·       Establishing effective enforcement and accountability mechanisms for cybersecurity policies and controls.

·       Ensuring that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and communicated.

·       Providing adequate senior leadership oversight and support for cybersecurity initiatives.

·       Allocating sufficient resources and budget for cybersecurity activities and investing in training and awareness programs for employees and other stakeholders.

These are some of the common challenges that many organizations face regarding cybersecurity governance and solving them can significantly impact the organization’s cyber resilience and reputation.

Cybersecurity Is Critical for all Organizations – Large and Small. (2023, October 23). IFAC.

What is a cyberattack? (2024, June 26). Cisco.

The Art Of Cybersecurity Governance: Safeguarding Beyond Code (2024, May 8). Forbes.

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